

I don't have much words for this post, so dear readers I guess you'll have to make up your own story with these images. Don't have much images for these moments either, since I totally underexposed (by mistake) one of the two rolls I shot there. Oh my unconscious mind.


Taylor said...

i really enjoy your pictures Agathe.....

ffocuss said...

Your work has such a wonderful style.
Light and breezy but moving (sometimes literally).

Agathe PHILBÉ said...

@Taylor: thanks! The blog thing is so cool, allowing me to show you guys my work and see yours even out of school and being so far...!
@ffocuss: I really like that description, thanks a lot.

Sol said...

the roll I took that week, is also empty
(the russian camera is not working).
Why is everyone in those pics but me? It was my birthday! for god's shake!