

Winter is finally over. Just like in life, going through a period of cold and darkness gives the first days of spring a very special taste... the kind of softness that feels like a personal victory.


Unknown said...

Hopefully, thru cold and dark, there's always a light for guidance .. and somebody to share a bench...
Nice pics.

davidikus said...

Une très jolie série, très sensible. j'aime beaucoup la vue du pont des Arts.


Agathe PHILBÉ said...

@Marou: true - even though we might have to get rid of the snow on the bench ;-)
@Davidikus: merci... le Pont des Arts est beau a toutes les saisons!

Unknown said...

the images and the poetry beneath send me. "the kind of softness that feels like a personal victory". unbelievable!

Agathe PHILBÉ said...

@v: thank you, I like it when people also watch the words

Jack Daniel said...

Night shots are the best.