

The truth is: I only want to photograph life. High fashion, brainless models and designers, trendy stuff, people who think they're someone, Parisian hype, the industry, useless magazines, is not life, at all. And if playing the photographer's part makes me pretend these things are part of my existence, then I'll have to change everything again. I will keep photographing: sunlight, loved ones, water, summer nights, flowers and trees, surprises, unknown cities, real people. Yeah, goodbye fake.


Fabien S. said...

Je like. Et n'oublie pas de photographier la vie, biensur, mais aussi le vit (mais ça ne s'écrit pas pareil).

Andrew Fuller said...

Well said, agathe.

Agathe PHILBÉ said...

@Fabien: mais bien entendu; tes conseils sont toujours excellentissimes. Merki.

@Andrew: waddup Andrew? Still in SF, or did you travel away from the moon room?...

Unknown said...

This is an important quality to have.

dufourgue said...

j'adore la deuxième photo avec les fleurs. ça me rend chose, je sais pas pourquoi.

Agathe PHILBÉ said...

@Samuel: thanks for stopping by; and yes, I agree.
@Marie: peut-etre parce qu'on voit qu'elles se fanent inévitablement?... moi c'est ca.

The Photodiarist said...

Agathe - wonderful series. I love that you photograph life. I feel similarly. I love photographing all that is around me.

starcakeastrology.blogspot.com said...

wow! that is very refreshing!!!! so many people just regurgitate hype... i love that you can see through it

Agathe PHILBÉ said...

@Photodiarist: thanks a lot. And your life is in black and white ;-)

@Starcakeastrology: ahahaha I love the expression -regurgitate hype... very well put