

Goodbye winter. (Hello moving waters, sand, light, trains, walks on the beach, crowded bridges, living nights, white gardens). Hello my heart sailing between new beginnings, and things that end.


dufourguette said...

rah je me rappelais plus que tu avais pris des photos... en effet, le printemps c'est comme une page qu'on tourne ou un livre qu'on termine. au revoir bonjour...
elles sont belles tes photos philbette

Andrew Fuller said...

That blue in number 2 is stunning. Glad you're finally getting into some good weather... Your work seems to thrive in the summer months. What are your travel plans?

Agathe PHILBÉ said...

@Dufourguette: vive le printemps... pour tout le monde! C'est vous qui etes beaux ;-)

@Andrew: Thanks!! I like it better when the sun gives me some decent shining indeed!! Not sure where I'll go this summer... I am so in love with the french atlantic coast I might as well stay around there!...