Not so long ago someone noticed that in most of my portraits people do not look directly into the camera. Maybe it's because I feel that the body also has something to say; forced eye contact might make the body language less powerful. It is also sort of violent for me to ask "look here, look at me". I am already stealing something to someone, and I am never very comfortable asking for more. And it's easier for me to tell a story with a photograph if one can imagine that I -as a photographer- am not in the picture. And that is what I end up asking -"pretend I am not there"... not easy, but sometimes I do happen to disappear. Thank you Leo!
good point actually. not looking at the camera makes the photo look natural, less calulated (in the sense that even if he doesnt look at you,he knows you are there anyway)- unless the model is really unaware of the fact that you're taking his photo. in some photos, even when the model isnot looking at the photographer, u can feel that he is striking a pose -looking elsewhere can make it look look deliberate too:) but in these photos, it all looks natural. that's what counts.
-the music is moments in love by art of noise (the video is the original video to the song)
Oh yeah. A 'Portrait' picture doesn't always mean that a person has to look into the camera. It's just a 'portrait of a person' and it could mean anything. It's about his/her profession / life / story. I love this series. Just great!
-thanks for the music Dandy! :-) And thank you both for the in depth comments - I love it when people write more than 3 words!
J'aime beaucoup l'atmosphere que ça crée dans les photos. Il y a quelque chose de vraiment similaire surtout dans les posts les plus récents, et c'est cette atmosphère assez familière, qui me rappelle un peu les années passées au pays basque. Belles photos qui expriment quelque chose de vraiment touchant et cool.
ca n'est pas le pays basque, mais presque... merci!
Your angles pull the person in. There's a sense of movement in all your photos that is well appreciated without disturbing ones' interpretation of the event. Your a gifted visual storyteller.
carinos.....Luz y Zoe
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